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These testimonials are reflections of real lives impacted, minds changed, aspirations achieved, new choices being made, and clients stepping into a newer version of themselves. 

Account Executive, Luxembourg

I had the honor of being coached by Ania. She is stellar. She masterfully held space for me, bravely asked me deep questions, celebrated my wins, and helped me make a clear plan. I left the session feeling renewed. As someone who has been exposed to many coaches, I can confirm that Ania is one of the best. I highly recommend her!

Government Employee, Germany

I used to have panic attacks every time I got on an airplane. Each flight involved a lot of stress, sweating and taking a pill just to get through it. After my session with Ania I was able to use the techniques she taught me and fly calmly for the first time - and  without having to take anything to calm my nerves. 

Mom/Primary School Teacher, Poland

I was struggling with great anxiety regarding my past, namely my past relationship with the father of my children. I was afraid of everything, what my and my children's future would look like. I could feel his eyes on me, even when he wasn't around. I couldn't cope with helplessness and was completely powerless in this and other matters. I was depressed and scared. I was afraid of many things. During the session with Ania, I felt that the burden I was carrying was lifted from me. From the moment of the session with Ania, my emotions and stress management were fine - and I still feel the effects of it. The intensity of anxiety has decreased to... I would say... minimal. The emotions of fear that accompanied me are far gone, and I feel more peace and joy in life. I'm not so afraid that I went out to the mountains with my three children on a day-long expedition. There was a time when I wouldn't do it because of fear, and fear of everyone. Things that were difficult for me turned out to be easier after the session. I am stronger and braver. I approach life with a distance and can cope with adversity with greater ease. I Feel stronger, much stronger. A beautiful experience that brought only positive aspects to my life. Thank you with all my heart.

Sociologist & Gender Researcher, Poland

Before participating in the program, I thought that it would be very difficult for me to change something in the area of ​​self-confidence. I used to believe it was almost impossible. But I really, really wanted a change, I dreamed that at least one small part of me would twitch and take a step in this direction. The sessions with Ania were a complete turnaround for me on this topic. During the meetings, I was able to finally diagnose my thought patterns, find out what my inner critic was saying and from that moment on, I could catch him in the act (and silence him!). It's like breaking misaligned bones (in your thinking) so they can heal properly again.The program opened my eyes to what my everyday life looks like in terms of self-confidence and gave a lot of support and motivation to finally deal with this topic. But most of all, it gave amazing tools that work on a deeper level.  The sharp eye of the coach allowed me to break the looping thoughts. When she connected certain dots for me, I stopped spinning in circles in my thinking about myself. Today I feel more integrated with confidence. What is most fascinating, when during the program I felt that I was changing and something in me was shifting, completely new possibilities began to show up around me, both personally and professionally.



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